Thursday, November 26, 2009

Canada Reads


I'm not going to blah, blah, blah about why I've neglected you and our lovely little blog for the past few weeks. Instead, I'm just going to offer you my HUGE apologies and ask you not to give up on me. I'll make it up to you.

So today I heard our lover, Jian announce that the Canada Reads nominees are to be announced shortly. I can't remember if I heard next week or December 1st. Actually IS next week December 1st? Can that be possible? -Wow. Just checked the date. I feel like I've been in a month-long coma and have lost all track of time. So in honour of our mutual love of all things Jian and of the book, should we do a co-read of all the nominees? HUGE challenge, but I'm ready to take it on. Besides, you know you'll win.

Pretty please?


  1. Ahhh.... welcome back, I have missed you! And a huge resounding "yes!" to another co-read. I'm a big fan of canada reads. Just wish Jian would offer his own two cents, he's always so damned objective. This is not a win or lose game dear cousin, it's a win-win.

  2. Yesterday, Jian was c0nfr0nted 0n the t0pic 0f j0urnalists and 0bjectivity (excuse my 0) by David Suzuki, wh0 claims that there is n0 such thing. That every0ne is influenced by their envir0nment fr0m the m0ment they are b0rn and that t0 pretend that a j0urnalist d0esn't have a bias based 0n th0se influences, is a farce. I th0ught it was interesting because Jian appeared t0 want t0 say m0re but didn't. Because he had t0 stay 0bjective maybe?
